Friday, August 29, 2014

Preparing For My Transition...

LOL – Okay, okay… Not like THAT, although this does feel a bit like what I imagine planning suicide must be like. I am preparing to “die” to my Facebook presence. And I am receiving some backlash in my private messages from people who do not approve. “How can you even consider leaving us like that? Don’t you love us any more?” Well, shit. When did I become responsible for your emotional health or your happiness? And why do I need YOUR permission or approval to delete my Facebook profile?

Guess what. I don’t. I am doing what feels like the healthiest and most “right” decision for me. Not you.

I have extended an open invitation to all to join me here and on my other blog at I am not leaving the world. I am just leaving Facebook.

And I figure that if I am that important to you, you will join me here. And if I’m not, then I’m sorry that you’re upset by this change in your FB world, but I'm sure you will adapt in no time.

This move feels like a leap to me. It feels like I’m jumping off a cliff, right out into MidAir, because Facebook – and the relationships that I have created, loved, nurtured, and enjoyed there - has been a MAJOR part of my life for the last six years and yes, I am going to feel the loss, acutely. But only for a while. Only until I adapt to the newness. This is a personal growth and development decision for me. I have lately found Facebook to be feeling very stagnant, like a swamp. There’s no movement. It’s just the same shit over and over again, like a soap opera. It’s not real life. In fact, for me, it has begun to feel like a lack of life. It’s time for something new. Something life-giving. Something expansive and different. 

Right now... it's time for face-to-face connections, and I received an incredible confirmation of that this afternoon when I just "happened" to run into a woman who was in Perryville prison seven years ago when I spoke there on the subject of domestic violence. Today she recognized me. She let me know that I made a difference in her life. When I was speaking in the prisons all those years ago I used to say, "If I say ONE thing, that helps just ONE person make ONE healthier choice than they would have otherwise, then I have made a positive difference in the world."

Meeting her today really brought the truth home to me... Facebook - for me - is not where I'm going to make a significant difference. Clearly. It's the in person, face-to-face stuff that is for me. I'm done with trying to do the "grand scale" stuff. It's time for me to get back in a room with real, physical, flesh-and-blood people in it. THIS is my leap.

So… I hope you will join me here, where I will share my experience of this leap, where I will be deliberately applying my own work in my own life for the purpose of um… rediscovering my joy, because lately I haven’t been able to find it anywhere. Until this afternoon when God sent me an angel in the form of an ex-con to remind me of where it is.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for your support, if you are able to give it. And thank you for not judging me based on YOUR perception of MY decision. I appreciate that more than anything. :-)

Have an awesome day if you choose to!

Love Sandi

“Nothing can change on the outside as long as the inner work is ignored or avoided. Outer change is ALWAYS an inside job. It can’t happen any other way.” ~~Reverend Sandra Anne Daly~~

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