Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Living the Open Moment

Holy moly!!! It is SO interesting to be living my life right now - "post Successfully MidAir!" Talk about living proof of the principles expressed in the book!

It's clear to me now that I had to release the manuscript before I could live the results of it. I had to release it as it was (even though I very much wished, from my human perspective, that it had ended differently) before I could "land" in the next phase of my life. And now that I have, things are rapidly unfolding for me and Rick in ways that we never could have predicted as we have lived our midair experience over the last few years.

Something that has become VERY clear to me since Successfully MidAir was released just eight weeks ago is that the experience had to be lived before the book could become a reality! And as I prepare today for this evening's group call, which will be about Tool #1 - The Open Moment, I can easily recognize that the last nine months of my life have been lived - quite literally - in the Open Moment. I have spent many, many "moments" since last September making the deliberate choice to just, simply, be willing to believe in the possibility that things could work out well for us when it actually appeared that NOTHING was working out at all the way we wanted it to or thought it would...

You see, "discouragement" was very much a part of our 2013. My willingness to consistently apply these Successfully MidAir tools in the midst of circumstances that felt truly - deeply - awful is the reason that I did not lose my sanity, and it's the reason that I didn't just completely give up on myself. Don't get me wrong, though. I did have bouts of feeling hopeless and powerless. But I didn't ever stay there because not only do I know that these tools work, but I also know that my life experience unfolds in co-operation with the Divine Idea that is the basis of everything that I live. So during those periods of time that felt the worst, I relied heavily on my willingness to believe in Possibility, and on my willingness to trust God, to keep me from giving up completely. I chose to stand in the Open Moment - to "Live in the OM" - over and over and over again.

And from that place... the answers ALWAYS showed up in exactly the way I could recognize them, most often in the form of what I like to call "The Nelson Mandela Question," which is this:

What if this is just what my Dream looks like right now?

In other words, what if I AM living the Divine Idea right now? What if THIS is necessary for my experience to unfold - to BLOOM - into its magnificent fullness? The Open Moment is such a powerful place to stand! From there - from that tiny seed of willingness - ALL things are possible. I know this from experience. And I know this right now, because I am currently living the evidence of it!

Oh yeah... one more thing that exists in the Open Moment? The end of suffering. Personal suffering cannot exist in the same place as wide open willingness.

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