Saturday, January 10, 2015

On Creating A New Habit...

Have you ever noticed that when you make a solid decision to change a habit, all sorts of things show up that appear to be deliberately conspiring against your ability to stand firm in that decision? And whether it's a habit of thought, a habitual way of perceiving something or someone in your life, or a physical habit doesn't matter one bit. The decision to change ANY habit is a decision to change who you habitually BE with regard to that habit.

Here's the thing: It's not possible to create a new habit if you never have to choose it deliberately.

Those things that SEEM to be working against our success, are actually conspiring FOR us, not against us. It is up to US to accept them as the GRAND Opportunities that they really are... Opportunities to deliberately choose to be the person we WANT to be with regard to that habit. Do we want to be the person who allows our patterns to be more powerful than us (making us OUR OWN victim)? Or do we want to take advantage of that "in-our-face" opportunity to shift our pattern in that moment (which IS the only way it can ever be done)?
Just a thought... Happy Saturday! :-)

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